The Birth Story

Dear Nemo,

This is another post very close to my heart. Your birth story requires all the documentation in the world because of it’s Bollywood touch given by your Dad.

I was all pampered by your Maamai and Thatha in Chennai..The hospital was very near to your Thatha’s house. Though it was a week ahead of your due date, I had prepared all the hospital bag just in case you pop out soon..And that you did!One of my pet wishes was that I should share the same birth month with you..And you made that wish come true!!

I had read so much about labor that the moment I saw the bloody show, I immediately identified that you are on your way. I had the show around 9 am on a Saturday morning. Your Maamai and I rushed to the hospital. The duty doctor told was finding my cervix to be 1 cm dilated and found it difficult to take a call on whether I should be admitted in hospital right away. Just not to take a chance, I was taken to a small temporary room and my contractions were recorded.  Around 12 noon, I was having regular labor contractions. I was still not convinced that you are on the way.I watsapped your Dad not giving him much hope.

The news soon spread to the household in Gurgaon. Your Dad was in hospital at duty. Your Grandad was frantically calling your dad and telling him to book tickets to Chennai.  You Dad came back from duty around 4:00 pm in the evening and then he started looking for tickets for himself and Grandmom..Flight ticket prices were jacking up so fast. Your Dad had to book a ticket for Saturday evening so that he would be on time to receive you. Your Grand dad had mentioned that the price was not an issue for such an important event and you know what your Dad did?He booked tickets for 60 K..Now 60 K would be around more than one month’s salary of your Mom.This was a time in which your Dad’s salary was not being sanctioned by the government as he had not renewed his contractual post.  Had it been your Mom, I would not have done such a booking. But Dad being Dad, he did it..all because he wanted to see you first.

The contractions continued..Around 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm , I was constantly having unbearable pain..But I could walk with a bit of support.  The hospital has a policy of allowing only one visitor per room beyond 10:00 pm. As your Dad and Grandmom will be reaching Chennai at 12:00 midnight, we were then moved to the only VIP room which allowed 2 visitors.

I was so reluctant to go to the labor room as I would have to bear the pain alone without Maamai by my side. At 12:00 midnight, your Dad watsapped “Landed Chennai”. The very next moment, the amniotic fluid holding you safe leaked as the membrane gave away to pressure. I was wheeled immediately to the labor room..I remember very well messaging your Dad..”Meet you at the labor room”

It was only after I reached the labor room  that I came to know that the cervix was only 2 cm dilated and I was already attempting to push you out. After the news, with every ounce of my strength I had to resist the urge to push. Every contraction would come out like a spasm sapping out all my energy. Around 1:00 am Sunday, your Dad was by my side holding my hands and  telling me that all would turn out to be well.I can still vividly remember the way he calmed me down and that half an hour that he spent with me is one of the best memories that I have had with him.

Around 3:00 am in the morning I was advised to push you out. By that time all my energy was gone! From 3:00 t o 5:30 all I could here were cheers from the nurses and the delivering doctor to give one final mighty push like sending out a big pile of poop. No ways!! I did not have the energy to move an inch. It was then that they decided to pull you out with vacuum.

After the call to take you out by vacuum was taken , there was a flurry of activities in the labor room. It took only minutes to pull you out with vacuum. I had a big tear which had to be stitched.I barely saw you. Another 1 hour plus was spent stitching me. I barely had any emotion towards the end. I had that feeling for the next three days as well.

Those three days in the hospital,  your Dad was your primary caretaker. He will help Mom to feed you,  will sing and rock you to sleep. Despite being sleep deprived he would sleep only when you sleep..In hindsight, I wish I had taken your Dad’s role .But that being the past, it cannot be changed.Due to work and the long commute, your Dad may not be spending much time with you now..But my darling Nemo, he was there for you when you needed him the most.



14 thoughts on “The Birth Story

  1. This will be one post Nemo would be proud to read when he is older! 🙂
    That Mom and Dad went through so much to bring him into the world, with Bollywood style drama and what not! 🙂

  2. I like how you wrote down honestly that you felt devoid of emotions for 3 days. It’s OKAY to feel that ways and your daughter will know you are only human. What happens next is more important where all your love is for her, forever.

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